We are finding that more clients have been requesting that 3 car garages be designed into their home when possible.This of course depends upon whether the frontage is wide enough.

There are always preferences that we endeavour to achieve, and one of these is that the garages do not dominate the elevation and streetscape, particularly on a flat block. One solution is that we can step the third garage back to break the line and roof to create less of an impact.

This can also be achieved by designing one of the garages as a single car garage and the other as a tandem garage. The tandem garage has the inconvenience of having to move cars all the time to gain access. However, corner blocks may not have this problem. We have designed many homes with side access triple garages off the secondary street, but have always made sure that the garages blend in and form part of the home.

The trend that drives this request is generally twofold, firstly as younger people are more reluctant to leave home these days and prefer the convenience of inner city living with easy access to universities, transport and lifestyle amenities close by. As well as this, the escalating first home owner costs which are becoming more and more unattainable are encouraging young adults to stay at home living with Mum and Dad for as long as they can.

The second factor is that a soon-to-retire couple may require more room to pursue their hobby, whether it be restoring a much-loved car, or perhaps a pottery pursuit with a kiln, or a temporary gym. Additional storage for bikes or paddle equipment is a sought-after feature as most blocks are a ‘demolish and rebuild scenario’, especially those close to the coastal strip.

If budget is permitting, an undercroft garage can also solve all these problems. To learn more about undercroft garages, continue reading here.

We would love to chat to you and provide you with invaluable advice and an obligation free consultation. Get in touch with our friendly team today to find out more.

Phone us on (08) 9244 2883 or fill out our enquiry form for more information and an obligation free chat.